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Pondering a Breakup of the BlackBerry Maker - NYTimes.com

Pondering a Breakup of the BlackBerry Maker - NYTimes.com

While the future of RIM remains unclear, what is clear is that it is losing market share that android is gaining.  While RIM must stay around long enough to service its faithful military and corporate clients, many of these are looking at other solutions such as iPhone and Android. Halliburton plans to replace company-issued BlackBerry devices with Apple iPhones over the next two years. 'Droids and iPhones could introduce special edition secure products that compete with RIM and by then, RIM will join Palm and VHS as a historical footnote.

Posted by Wanda Halpert, President of Concord Business Plans 

Wanda Halpert, Wanda Halpert Vancouver, Business, Wanda, Halpert, Vancouver, BC, British Columbia, Business Plans, planning, Concord Business Plans, business plan

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